Monday, January 10, 2011


Jan. 5th
I taught BigH to read subscript in the Richter's Catalog this morning. I told him to look through it and to mark off all the plants he found that grew in Zones 1-3. He easily remembered the meanings of symbols for the plants: culinary, tea, medicinal, ect. We also talked about the meanings of the words germination, moderate and perennial.

He then taught his LittleE what he learned. LittleE and BigH also helped this morning cutting apples, and pouring in lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg into the apple crisp we made. We also worked on phonics and did some work on lesson 6 in both alpa & beta MathUSee program.

This afternoon they attended Logan Lake Winter Kids club sponsored by our church who was blessed to have some amazing missionaries come up from Florida to put it on. They played books of the bible bingo, made housed out of play doh, popsicle sticks and tooth pics, and they also made little graham cracker house with icings and smarties.

LittleE made a new friend they both had a great time running around and playing on the huge bouncy castle.

Here is a photo of some of the work BigH did in the Richters Catalog.


"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” Richard L Evans