Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Decorating with Gifts From Nature

Had a fun day today decided to use up some old crayons and decorate some pine cones for the Christmas tree. I was not the brilliant mom who thought up this wonderful craft we found it here don't blame me if you get addicted to that site.

 The kids took great joy in peeling the paper off the crayons and we melted the crayon wax plus a little bees wax. In a double boiler style over the stove, once it was melted.  We tied  yarn  around the pine cones the kids dipped the cones in the wax. I helped out making sure the top part of the cones got covered.

It was BigH's idea to use the left over wax in some ice cube trays we had to make crayons. They turned out very nice with more of a consistency of pastels. The bees wax softened the crayon wax considerable and we now have some beautiful blue & green crayons.

“Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher


Other things we accomplished this week @ homeschool
We have completed lesson 6 in Alpha & Beta Math U See lessons
Completed Lessons 9 & 10, First Language Lessons;For the Well Trained Mind (more work on common and proper nouns and capitalization.)

A Children's History Of the World we have read chapter 7 and have placed our first timeline sticker in our 'Book of Time' at 3100 bc noting King Narmar that united Upper & Lower Egypt.

LittleE is more then half way through her HOP K book she's on pg. 82 working on words ending in 'un'.

BigH is working away on Explode the Code Online and been reading some of LittleE's HOP books which has been wonderful.

We continue to work on 'The Land of Counterpane' for BigH and 'The Wind' for LittleE each day they work very carefully doing one page of copy work. They will also usually draw a picture was well to go with this copy work.

We have also been diligently working on the day's of the week in Spanish we founds this cute video that has been helpful. We go over the Spanish days of the week while we are doing calender time.

We have been going over almost daily, The Duggar family guidlines which we renamed, 'Family Beliefs'.

* BigH received a certificate of Achievement from his BC 4-H Cloverbud unit 3!  My boy congratulations!!! This year they learned about pigs, goats, bicycle safety, dogs, clothing, and sewing to name a few things. LittleE did all the same work but she was not old enough to officially join. Everyone acknowledged her and clapped for her knowing that the only reason she did not get a certificate was because of her age. That's ok she took it well and she is now old enough to be a Cloverbud.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will
       counsel you and watch over you.
 Psalm 32:8


  1. Hello everyone! Zona you have done a fabulous job posting the learnign and Henry and Evamae are impressing me constantly. Great job making decorations for Christmas. I think 4-H is an awesome experience. It certainly applies to your learning therefore thank you for telling me about the achievements.

  2. Thanks Holly the kids love that you can comment on the blog.

  3. What fun!! This is a perfect use for those old crayons. Henry & Evamae you did an awesome job making these decorations--and very creative idea Henry to use the left over wax to make new crayons!

  4. Thanks Kyla, The kids loved the comments. :)
